Selasa, 27 Disember 2011

Felt Fasa 4

Ragam di Hari Sukaneka Zuhaira

Gambar ni masa sukaneka Taska Zuhaira kat Hutan Bandar, Johor Bahru pada 3 Julai 2011. Macam-macam ragam ni salah satu aksi zuhaira masa sukaneka berlangsung.

Bersedia beratur sebelum memulakan acara

Berposing bersama rakan yang dikatakan boyfriend kyra.

Khamis, 10 November 2011

5 Bizarre Weight Loss Tricks That Work (5 tips pelik menurunkan berat badan)

1. Sniff a banana, apple, or peppermint You might feel silly, but it works. When Dr Alan R. Hirsch of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago tried this with 3,000 volunteers, he found that the more frequently people sniffed, the less hungry they were and the more weight they lost - an average of 30 lb each. One theory is that sniffing the food tricks the brain into thinking you're actually eating it. PLUS: Easy Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

2. Hang a mirror opposite your seat at the table. One study found that eating in front of mirrors slashed the amount people ate by nearly one-third. Seems having to look yourself in the eye reflects back some of your own inner standards and goals, and reminds you of why you're trying to lose weight in the first place.

3. Surround yourself with blue There's a good reason you won't see many fast-food restaurants decorated in blue: Believe it or not, the color blue functions as an appetite suppressant. So serve up dinner on blue plates, dress in blue while you eat, and cover your table with a blue tablecloth. Conversely, avoid red, yellow, and orange in your dining areas. Studies find they encourage eating. PLUS: 7 Unhealthy Diet Foods

4. Shoot your food Rather than writing down every morsel, take a picture of it, and file the photos on your phone or computer by date. A visual account of your consumption may help you curb your intake. "Snapping photos and then looking back at them can make people stop and think before indulging," nutritionist Joan Salge Blake says. It needn't be a big production: your cell phone will do. Think about it: there you are at the salad bar, making a plate of vegetables. Don't pat yourself on the back quite yet, though. A simple snapshot of your heaping dish may "show your extra helping of cheese or deep-fried croutons," Joan cautions. A visual reminder might be just enough to give you pause next time before you ladle on the blue cheese dressing. -- Joan is a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. Find other healthy eating tips in her book, Nutrition & You. PLUS: 11 Packaged Food Words to Beware

5. Tie yourself up You could try fitness guru Valerie Orsoni's "Le Petit Secret": "A number of French women wear a ribbon around their waist and underneath their clothes when they go out for dinner. It keeps them conscious of the tummy-particularly if the ribbon starts to feel tighter as the evening goes on!" -- Le Personal Coach: A French Trainer's Simple Secrets to Staying Fit and Slim Without the Gym. Source: -- Five Minute Fixes and Best You

Isnin, 1 Ogos 2011

Lawatan ke Cameron Highlands 23-24 Julai 2011

Ini pertama kali aku jejak ke cameron highlands ni..dlm umur 29 baru dpt g..heehhee..lawatan bersama-sama teman opis ni menarik..walaupun dgn rintangan dpt di atasi dgn mudah..begitu juga cuaca yg pada mulanya cerah namun pabila smpi ke hotel disambut dgn hujan rahmat(mcm skema lak ayat2 ni)..kami check in Hotel Rosa Passadena..hotel ni lengkp gak..smua ade..siap jer check in..kitorg trun tunggu van pelancong..nk g ade 5 tmpt melancong..mula2 tmpt yg ktorg g ialah :

Taman Ros (Rose Garden)

Ni pokok spesies aloe vera..comel2 jer..

Ros Kuning..agak besar gak kelopak ros ni...


Disebalik ros2 merah

Butterfly & Insect Farm-Leaf..kagum betul tgk bunga ni..warne turquois

Pemandangan cameron dari puncak Rose Garden..cantikkan!!!

Destinasi kedua ialah : Rajuu Strawbery Farm..disebabkan hujan yg lebat ktorg hanya duk kt kedai smbil mlihat hujan yg turun..maka tiada gamba lah ketika di sini..

Destinasi seterusnya ialah :

Kebun Teh Boh (Tea Boh Farm)

Pejlnan ke sini sungguh mncabar..dgn jln smpit tp msh bleh dilalui kenderan termasuk bas sekolah..dgn hon dibunyikan jika melalui selekoh tajam bagi memberi isyarat ade kenderaan lain yg akn bertembung..

Anjung Kedai Teh Boh..sejukkkkkkk...sbb hujan pastu angin kuat mase ni..


Sape lar yg kt blakang tuu...

Cantikkann..bagus utk mate lah pemandangan ni..

Posing dlm van pelancong ni..maintain wlupun sdg kesejukan...fuhhh...

Lebih mendekati teh..cantik..nyaman...


Destinasi seterusnya ialah :

Taman Lebah (Bee Farm)

Pasar Cameron (Market)

Sebelum blik ke hotel kitorg g pasar malam cameron..buka stiap mlm sabtu & ahad..dlm hujan pun redah jer..sbb nk lihat brg pe yg menarik ade di pasar mlm ni..yg pasti brg yg aku beli bermotif kan strawbery..heeheheh..seliper, t-shirt, pensil dll..mlm yer plak kitorg bedal seafood..kenyng gak lar..pastu jln jp bg mnikmati mlm cameron..sejukkk...kemudian blik hotel tdo lar..

Esoknyer pas breakfast, kitorg check out hotel..g beli strawberi, teh strawberi, sayur..dll...

Ini destinasi terakhir..sblum blik ke bangi..

Ni kitorg petik sendri strawberi..sekilo Rm jer..sbb masing2 petik yg besar2 jer..penuh gak lar tapis merah tu..

Bergamba dgn pokok strawberi..heheeheee

Peace ke 2

Hasil petikkan..sdp..nyum..nyum..nyumm..gulppp..

Pastu blik dgn ceria nyer sbb berjaya naik ke Cameron..hehhheh..

Selasa, 26 Julai 2011

Apabila bertemu kamera

Beginilah ragam anak buah ku di puchong..apabila bertemu kamera..begini lah jadi nya..dengan pelbagai aksi dan mimik muka..

Adam dengan helmet kyra dan kereta baru nya..

Pabila 4 beradik beraksi..

senyuman menawan..adam keliru..

Adam meniru aksi aben..

5 tangga dalam 1 gamba..

Isnin, 25 Julai 2011

Felt edisi ke 3

Edisi 3

Key Chain Love & Hp Case

Key Chain Love

Key Chain Box ZAIHA

Key Chain INFRA



My Toolbox

Ini lah 'toolbox' saya..suka sangat tengok banyak barang..banyak warna..gunting jer ade 3 @ 4 bilah.. sbb nk nak jait ikut mood nak guna gnting yang maner..heeheee..giler gunting kan..skang dah tak kumpul gunting dah sbb nak kumpulk ribbon lak..heeehehe..

Felt fasa 3

HP Case


kawan miza


Hp case liza


HP Case Diyana